Kings Court Veterinary Services offers a wide range of general veterinary services & care for our patients. Just a few of our wellness and preventive care services are listed below. For more information on these or other services, please call (856)-279-0335.
Veterinary Services
- Annual Wellness Exams
- Puppy and Kitten Wellness
- Senior Wellness
- Preventative Medicine
- Sick Visit (ear infection, skin infection, vomiting, diarrhea, etc)
- Nutrition and Dietary Counseling
- Pet Behavior Counseling
- Microchipping
- Health Certificates ( interstate, international, CVI, coggins)
- Telehealth
- Quality of Life Consultation
- In home Pet Euthanasia
- Plus more…
Laboratory Testings
- Wellness and Senior Blood work
- Urine testing
- Heartworm testing
- Tickborne disease testing
- Feline Leukemia and Feline Aids testing
- Fecal parasite screening
- Plus more…
Basic Pet Care and Treatment Procedures
Ear Cleaning
Anal Gland Expression
Nail Trim
Wound Care/ Clip and Clean
Local Laceration repairs